A genealogy resource for the descendants of
Samuel Boyd and Susannah Ashley, of
Camden County, Georgia

    This page provides links to historical family papers and pictures
    that I have collected over the years. Eventually they will pertain
    not just to the Boyd-Ashley connection, but to some related family
    names as well, including Broskie, Jernigan, Laische, McElvy, and
    Neeld. There will also be links to other useful genealogy pages.

    The first item I want to make available is a Boyd Family History,
    which I've compiled with the help of my aunt Madelyn Boyd. To
    view this document, you will need Adobe Reader. The latest
    version is available free at the publisher's website.

    I'd like to keep this history as factual and up to date as possible. If
    any of you cousins, in-laws, outlaws, or other readers find errors,
    or if you have new information that belongs in it, please contact
    me at

    For other Boyd-Ashley documents and pictures, click here.

    Thanks for visiting!

                                                           Michael Boyd

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